Jason Kelly

CTO, Founder, Head of Engineering

I'm a Fractional CTO and builder ready to help you get your team, process and technology to the next level. My experience includes executive roles and hands-on product development in BtoB SaaS, robotics, IoT and industrial AI. I advise founders, build high-performing teams, and spearhead mature development processes for your stage of growth.

Jason Kelly



  • Fremont Robotics

    Fremont Robotics


    Jan 2023 - Present

    Leading a startup applying Generative AI to simplify industrial robotics.

    • Designed multi-robot control and data analysis system for autonomous mobile robots.
    • Recruited and led development team building platform on ROS, React, Python, C++.
    • Implemented natural-language robot mission creation using Generative AI (GPT-4 with Retrieval Augmented Generation)
  • Airmap


    Vice President of Engineering

    Aug 2020 - Dec 2021

    Engaged by new CEO to assess product, team and processes. Joined full time to restructure team and lead through company acquisition.

    • Prepared company for technical due diligence leading to successful acquisition
    • Implemented startup-appropriate agile processes
    • Nurtured key enterprise customer and partner relationships
  • Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services

    Senior Manager, Software Engineering

    May 2019 - Oct 2020

    Led an engineering org at AWS.

    • Led delivery of product recommendation engine, A/B testing platform and web metrics pipeline.
    • Drove roadmap and architecture for Marketplace customer experience and product publishing pillars.
    • Reduced 3rd party integration effort by 80% with launch of reusable web components and GraphQL API.
  • BCG Digital Ventures

    BCG Digital Ventures

    VP of Engineering

    Dec 2015 - May 2019

    CTO of several new ventures funded by corporate venture capital.

    • Developed an IoT + AI platform for agriculture
    • Advised on tech strategy, platform selection, build vs. buy decisions for numerous new ventures
    • Turned around several troubled programs through exec + board collaboration
  • Share Interactive

    Share Interactive

    Co-founder and CTO

    Jan 2012 - Dec 2016

    Co-founded and led a software development agency.

    • Recruited and led a distributed software engineering team in US, India and Poland.
    • Acquired by Boston Consulting Group

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