This comprehensive guide provides ten essential tips to help business leaders effectively integrate AI into their operations and overall business strategy.
William Smith
Ex-Microsoft Director, Technical Advisor to Fortune 500 Companies
As an experienced technology leader, I help companies harness the power of new technologies like AI, apps, and the cloud. Over my career, I've held senior roles at Microsoft, helped Fortune 500 firms navigate complex tech projects and founded startups. I'm also an author on emerging technologies. My expertise lies with digitally transforming businesses, taking their app from ideation to creation, and implement cutting-edge solutions to help them scale and stay agile. I have a strong track record…
Future Tech -
https://www.futuretech.aiThe Future of tech invites us to take a long, sweeping look at our evolution as a species and how it is inextricably intertwined with tech.
WSC - Tech, Lifestyle & Entertainment
http://wsctech.coWSC serves as a vibrant digital community for creativity, knowledge sharing, and entertainment. It's a testament to a journey through the life of William Smith
Director Of Strategy
Aug 2021 - Aug 2023
- Created and led 3-to-5-year technical strategies for Fortune 100 fintech partners
- Orchestrated efforts that generated more than $40M/year in revenue
- Led AI Roadshow for M365 CoPilot training and speaking