Explore Amazon Web Services

Explore leading experts and connect with professionals experienced with Amazon Web Services. Browse below for members who match your interests.

  • Michael Burell profile image
    Instant Book
    Michael Burell
    1. Frontend
    2. Backend
    3. Infrastructure
    4. Fractional CTO
    5. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    Startup Tech Leader - Early employee at Shipt, Landing, and Tilled.
  • Jun Heider profile image
    Instant Book
    Jun Heider
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Strategic Vision & Leadership
    3. Advisor
    4. Team Building
    5. Leadership
    Tech Leadership and Innovation Strategist: Driving for Continuous Optimization and Visionary Solutions.
  • Ying Wang profile image
    Ying Wang
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Fractional Fullstack Engineer
    3. Advisor
    4. #strategy
    5. Hiring
    Strategic engineering leader focused on digital transformation