• Jonathan Grana profile image
    Instant Book
    Jonathan Grana
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Advisor
    3. Fullstack
    4. Mobile
    Sold company to Greenhouse, first mobile engineer at Compass, 3x founder
  • Andy Mockler profile image
    Andy Mockler
    1. Engineering
    2. Web Development
    3. Fractional CTO
    4. Fullstack
    5. Product
    Product-Focused Engineer + Technical Leader
  • Cristina Zappullo profile image
    Cristina Zappullo
    1. Advisor
    2. #strategy
    3. Fullstack
    4. Analytics
    5. Fractional CTO
    Lead the development team of 1.5M AUD worth software, founded 6 digit company for Edtech.