• Jamal Jackson profile image
    Instant Book
    Jamal Jackson
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Advisor
    3. Architect
    4. User Experience
    5. Fullstack
    Strategic Technical Leader with the ability to facilitate efficient processes and drive performance improvements through technical solutions. xApple, xBox
  • Garrett Godsey profile image
    Garrett Godsey
    1. Project Management
    2. Human Factors Analysis
    3. User Experience Research
    4. Writing
    5. Wireframing
    UX Design Leader
  • Evan Vandegriff profile image
    Evan Vandegriff
    1. Web Development
    2. User Experience
    3. JSP
    4. HTML 5
    5. Compass
    Ex SaaS CTO and Cofounder, Applied AI, 15+ years SWE experience