What Is a Fractional CTO? 6 Key Benefits + How to Hire One

What Is a Fractional CTO? 6 Key Benefits + How to Hire One

Discover what a fractional CTO is, what services they offer, costs, and why you should hire one. Learn how to hire a fractional CTO and the key qualities to consider.

A fractional CTO (chief technology officer) is a part-time executive who provides high-level technology leadership to organizations without the commitment and cost of a full-time CTO.

Businesses can leverage their expertise on a flexible basis to manage tech projects, adopt new technologies, and boost company-wide efficiency.

What services do fractional CTOs offer?

How much does a fractional CTO cost?

And what's the best way to hire these experts?

We'll answer those questions and more.

Further Reading:

What is a Fractional CTO?

Fractional CTOs are technology officers you hire part-time to fulfill the duties of full-time CTOs at a significantly lower cost. Their tech strategy expertise can be instrumental in shaping your company's technology infrastructure.

Fractional executives typically dedicate 10--25 hours per week to a company for a minimum of three months.

To give you a better idea, here's how they compare to other common hiring models: 

Fractional CTO vs. Full-Time CTO vs. Interim CTO

These are the main differences between the three models of engagement:

  • Full-time CTO: A full-time CTO is a full-time senior executive responsible for the overall technology strategy of your business. These executives are paid a hefty salary like any standard C-suite employee, including all associated benefits and bonuses. As a result, they are more expensive than fractional CTOs.
  • Fractional CTO: A fractional CTO takes on the CTO role on a part-time basis. They can either take on all the duties of a full-time CTO or focus on specific tech-related business drivers or challenges.
  • Interim CTO: An interim CTO serves as a temporary executive, bridging the leadership gap while you search for a suitable replacement. Their primary focus is managing the handover process smoothly. They can be hired to work full-time or part-time but usually only serve the role for a short period.
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Mark Wunsch
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Technology executive with over 15 years experience galvanizing teams through digital and cultural change

8 Crucial Services Offered By Fractional CTOs

A fractional CTO's services can range from developing new technology strategies and roadmaps to creating tech policies or building your technical team.

Below, we'll cover some common projects that an experienced CTO can manage on a part-time basis:

1. Reducing Development Time

A fractional or part-time CTO can organize sprints, prioritize tasks, and ensure projects are aligned with business goals.

In other words, they'll reduce your team's time on trial and error and trim months off your development timeline.

For instance, a fractional CTO can:

  • Establish and facilitate RFC (Request for Comments) processes: RFC is a collaborative approach to implement changes to an organization's technology systems. The process helps you bridge communication gaps between stakeholders, and steer iterative development based on feedback, for more effective decision-making throughout a specific project.

For instance, you can identify and fix bugs early by instituting an RFC process. This is crucial since the cost of fixing bugs increases as a product progresses through various stages of development (requirements, design, development, and so on.) So, timely detection minimizes wasted effort downstream.

  • Make informed build vs. buy technology decisions: A fractional chief technology officer can decide whether to build a system or element in-house or buy pre-existing technology solutions. The former offers a tailored solution, giving you greater control over features, integration, and intellectual property rights. The latter can save significant development time and free up your internal resources for other critical business drivers.

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Danielle Neri
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VP Eng @ 3 startups, 16 yrs eng experience

2. Streamlining DevOps

A fractional chief technology officer can boost your organization's efficiency and productivity by introducing automation tools, optimizing deployment processes, and promoting a continuous integration and delivery culture.

For instance, they can:

  • Develop a CI/CD pipeline: A fractional CTO can implement continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment pipelines to optimize software development. This reduces the likelihood of human error and rapidly delivers new features and updates to end users.
  • Implement Infrastructure as Code (IaC): A fractional CTO can introduce IaC practices to streamline your organization's technology infrastructure management. With IaC, software development teams can automate the provision and configuration of infrastructure using code. This approach enhances agility, reduces manual errors, and creates highly scalable systems.
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Dan O'Connor
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3. Product Scaling

Fractional CTOs have often worked with organizations in various growth stages. So, they know exactly how to optimize tech stacks to improve performance, align product roadmaps with scaling goals, and integrate emerging technologies.

They can also guide your technology investment strategy and empower the rest of the organization to meet those business objectives.

For example, imagine your SaaS company wants to expand into the enterprise market.

A fractional CTO can assess your existing tech stack, recommend scalable product architecture, and develop a technology roadmap tailored to enterprise requirements. This way, your product can seamlessly integrate with existing technology solutions and offer customizations.

A fractional CTO may work with your product management team and CEO to establish an iterative feedback loop with users and may provide inputs to refine the product.

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Instant Book
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Sold company to Greenhouse, first mobile engineer at Compass, 3x founder

4. Quality Assurance (QA) 

An experienced CTO will have a proven quality assurance strategy for testing, analyzing, and mitigating bugs in your product. Additionally, they will incorporate technical due diligence to assess the underlying technology stack and codebase for scalability, security, maintainability, and risk management.

Why is this important?

Quality assurance guarantees that you produce and deliver defect-free products that satisfy your customer needs. This, in turn, boosts customer loyalty, repeat purchases, upselling, and referrals.

Moreover, you can avoid costly defects and hefty customer support costs with a quality assurance strategy.

According to IBM (International Business Machines Corporation), bug fixing could cost $100 in the initial development phase, $1,500 in the QA testing phase, and around $10,000 during the production phase. So, it's significantly pricier to resolve errors post-release.

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Kateryna Sytnyk
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Fractional CTO | Expert in Early-Stage Tech Strategy & Team Building | Multi-Time Founder

5. KPI Tracking

Analytics are critical to measuring the health of your product, but they often receive little attention.

A fractional CTO has the experience to determine your KPIs (key performance indicators) and the analytics tools you need to track key metrics like customer acquisition and retention, product engagement, technology costs, etc.

For large organizations, a fractional CTO can leverage business intelligence (BI) tools to set up a dashboard that provides an overview of your marketing and operational performance. You'll gain valuable insights into which marketing campaigns are paying off and make informed decisions regarding your technology spending.

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Mike Howard
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6. Security Issue Detection

A fractional chief technology officer can implement risk management strategies, identify and address potential security issues, and tackle compliance concerns that could lead to data breaches.

For example, a fractional CTO specializing in SaaS security can collaborate with your technology team to implement advanced threat detection tools and establish multi-layered data encryption to boost user experience.

Additionally, a fractional CTO can help you create a company culture that prioritizes security, reducing unnecessary expenses.

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Kelsey Nichols
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Product and Technology

7. Funding & Acquisition Assistance 

It can be challenging for a non-technical founder to effectively bridge the gap between intricate technical details and their broader business implications. Their wide experience and objective perspective help them develop an innovative solution to tech problems that a full-time CTO may not have considered.


They can craft comprehensive fundraising decks with product roadmaps, headcount plans, and technical diagrams.

Plus, they have the expertise to communicate intricate technology details to potential investors effectively. For example, they can create visual representations of the product roadmap, helping stakeholders and investors understand key initiatives and timelines.

But that's not all.

When a startup is seeking funding to fuel its growth, a seasoned startup CTO can improve investment pitches by effectively highlighting the product's potential and market value.

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Kevin J. Dolan
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Three-Time CTO with Deep Experience in Artificial Intelligence, Data Engineering, and Greenfield Development

8. Talent Lifecycle & Transition Management

Fractional CTOs have worked with many companies and know what to look for in candidates. As a result, they can build a robust interview process and help screen engineering talent for your technology team. They can design and manage recruitment, onboarding, and/or offboarding processes -- taking some of the burden off your internal HR team.

When you want to hire a full-time CTO, the fractional CTO can refine the job specifications, enabling a smoother transition.

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Jeff Mitchell
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I help CEOs realize growth and product excellence through technical leadership and innovation.

Let's see how you can benefit from these fractional CTO services.

5 Rewarding Benefits of Hiring a Fractional CTO 

Using the right fractional CTO service, you can reduce costs, access specialized expertise, and add flexibility to your technology management.

Here's a closer look: 

1. Cost-Effectiveness

Using a fractional CTO service offers a cost effective solution to hiring traditional CTOs.

For example, the median salary for CTOs in the US is $230,495, which goes up to $1,796,782 annually at the top end of the talent pool. And that's not accounting for equity, bonuses, benefits, and other hiring costs. These hidden costs raise the median annual cost of a full time CTO to $400,000.

(The average annual bonus for CTOs is $29,234, and average executive hiring costs are around $14,936.)

On the other hand, the monthly salary for our fractional talent ranges between $10,000--$25,000 or $120,000-$300,000 annually. Ultimately, the cost of fractional tech leadership will mostly depend on the number of hours they are hired to work per week (and on their level of experience).

You also don't have to worry about additional costs, which is ideal for small business owners. 

2. Industry Expertise & Experience

A fractional CTO has advanced technical expertise in several areas, including software and product management, development, data analytics, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

As a result, they can also help you:

  • Implement large-scale technology architecture (processes to manage and support your IT resources) 
  • Effectively integrate digital tools, processes, and innovations to enhance your business operations (digital transformation).

For example, in a tech startup dealing with sky-high costs, a seasoned startup CTO becomes your cost-saving hero. They'll offer valuable insights, identify inefficiencies and redundant expenses, and renegotiate contracts.

Bottom line? 

They keep your budget in check and your startup thriving.

Remember, fractional CTOs have worked with many companies, so they know what works and what doesn't.

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Stephen Martin
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  4. Fractional CTO
Built teams for startups and big tech. 20+ years eng experience.

3. Quick Adaptation

Fractional CTOs, due to their specialized technology expertise and extensive experience, can swiftly adapt to your company's technology vision and operational dynamics.

And since they are brought in specifically for their technical knowledge, they can focus on addressing your challenges immediately without spending time building relationships that might be required for a traditional CTO.

The result?

They can focus on delivering tailored solutions for immediate value.

4. More Flexibility

The inherent flexibility of fractional CTOs allows businesses to adjust their engagement based on your specific needs. In other words, growing companies can secure top-tier strategic guidance during critical phases without incurring unnecessary technology spending costs during quieter periods.

For instance, a growing e-commerce platform could enlist a seasoned CTO to spearhead a website revamp, scaling down once the project is complete.

5. External Perspective

Since fractional CTOs are external to the company, they bring unique viewpoints to your current technology strategy. This is crucial since companies often get stuck with decision-making and strategic planning due to internal biases.

For example, imagine your product development team is facing lengthy development times. In this case, a fractional CTO can comprehensively assess your development processes and identify new technology strategies you may not have tried before.

But at what point should you consider using a fractional CTO service?

We'll find out next.

When Should You Hire a Fractional CTO?

Here are a few scenarios where a fractional CTO service can be invaluable:

  • You have a limited budget: If you're seeking technical expertise but aren't ready for or need a full time CTO, engaging a fractional CTO offers a more budget-friendly senior leadership alternative.
  • You need to quickly replace a full-time CTO: If your current full-time CTO is suddenly unavailable or will soon be unavailable, a fractional CTO can help maintain operations until the business owner hires a full time executive replacement. Since fractional CTOs can start immediately, you can skip the lengthy hiring process.
  • You need someone to fulfill the specific duties of a full-time CTO: Say your startup needs occasional strategic direction to guide product development. A fractional CTO can step in, offering senior leadership expertise to streamline processes and optimize resources without the full time executive commitment.
  • You have a technology vision but limited expertise: Imagine you want to add a complex payment processing system to your e-commerce platform. But your existing tech team lacks the know-how or specialized expertise. You can hire a seasoned CTO with specialized knowledge in fintech and payment solutions to bridge the skills gap and implement the feature.

But there are also scenarios where a full-time CTO may be a better option.

When should you hire a full-time CTO?

Consider hiring a full-time leader if:

  • The role requires frequent on-site presence or travel, especially if the CTO has to handle large engineering teams of over 20+ members or technology is a critical part of the business that requires them to be on call 24/7. In such cases, a full-time CTO may be more suitable.
  • Your company handles highly sensitive information, in which case, the involvement of a fractional CTO serving multiple clients may pose risks. (But, this can be solved by having clear agreements and robust security measures in place to protect proprietary data.)

You could even hire a fractional CTO as a contract to hire through Go Fractional and convert to full-time if it's a mutual fit. 

How to Hire a Fractional CTO

Now, suppose you've decided to hire a fractional CTO.

How do you go about it?

You could post on job aggregator sites like LinkedIn or Indeed. But, sifting through numerous applications is time-consuming and need not be fruitful.

You could even team up with a specialized firm with a roster of pre-screened candidates. However, such agencies typically spread their focus on all executive-level hires and may have a smaller pool of fractional CTOs, limiting your options.

But what is the best way to hire the perfect fractional tech leader?

Read on.

Hire a Fractional CTO Easily Through Go Fractional

The best way to fill your fractional CTO role is to partner with
Go Fractional.

We offer a curated network of outstanding fractional professionals, including CTOs.

We also occasionally invest in the founders or the companies our fractional CTOs work for.

We have a transparent pricing structure. Unlike competitors who may charge significantly higher fees, enforce payment concealment agreements, and have less discerning criteria for their platform, we prioritize fairness and quality.

We also relieve you and our fractional CTOs from burdensome sales and administrative tasks, allowing them to focus fully on what they love most: working on exceptional projects.

The best part? 

With Go Fractional, you benefit from lower overhead costs, meaning your fractional executive is paid what they're worth. 

How Go Fractional Works

  1. Connect: Reach out to us to discover our talented community of fractional CTOs. Share your specific tech leadership requirements, and we'll offer personalized recommendations, including access to private members who may not be publicly listed. If there is no existing member who matches your requirements perfectly, our team will source and recruit the ideal fractional executive to our network.
  2. Meet: Arrange meetings with our members to discuss deliverables, timelines, and pricing. Introduce the selected Go Fractional member to your team. Our team will then draw a comprehensive proposal for your stakeholders to review.
  3. Begin: Once you've approved the fractional CTO engagement proposal and start date, we'll send contracts based on the agreed details.

How We Source Our Fractional Talent

  1. Applications: Our selection process prioritizes individuals holding technical leadership positions or those with a track record of success as founders.
  2. Interviews: We'll then interview all the candidates to ensure they're a good fit for our community and clients.
  3. Profiles: Candidates must craft comprehensive profiles highlighting their past experiences, projects, and accomplishments, which are then submitted for approval.

At Go Fractional, we follow a single monthly invoicing system, regardless of the number of members involved. Our team also maintains regular communication with you to ensure everything goes smoothly.

But before you hire, you must understand the critical qualities that define an exceptional tech leader.

Let's delve into that next.

Which Qualities Should You Look For in a CTO?

These are some of the experience and skills your fractional CTO must have:

  • Strategic technology vision and leadership experience as a CTO or in a similar role.
  • A clear understanding of business planning and technology budget management.
  • Ability to conduct technological analyses to inform strategic decision-making.
  • Exceptional communication skills to explain complex tech concepts at all organizational levels.
  • A track record of building and leading a high-performing technical team.
  • Successful history of managing IT infrastructure, with deep knowledge of systems architecture, software development, and cybersecurity protocols.
  • Experience in leading digital transformation initiatives, using cloud technologies, and implementing data-driven strategies.
  • Experience integrating teams across various business units and managing a geographically dispersed workforce.
  • Demonstrated ability to design and manage an effective IT governance framework to optimize IT service delivery.

Now, let's focus on another important aspect: understanding the cost of fractional CTO services.

How Much Do Fractional CTOs Cost?

The fee structure for a fractional CTO varies based on several factors, including the individual's:

  • Time commitment
  • Technology expertise
  • Work experience

At Go Fractional, we only offer monthly retainers, and our prices typically range from $10,000 to $25,000 per month. We charge our talent a 20% rate for our sales and administrative services.

Got a few more questions?

We've got you covered.

Fractional CTOs: An Effective Approach to Technology Leadership

Fractional CTOs offer organizations a cost-effective way to drive technological advancement thanks to their specialized expertise and ability to streamline DevOps.

But to get the best results, you must find a candidate who fits your organization's culture and has relevant industry experience.

Go Fractional can help you find the perfect fractional CTO. Connect with us right away.

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