• Michael Burell profile image
    Instant Book
    Michael Burell
    1. Frontend
    2. Backend
    3. Infrastructure
    4. Fractional CTO
    5. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    Startup Tech Leader - Early employee at Shipt, Landing, and Tilled.
  • Evan Vandegriff profile image
    Evan Vandegriff
    1. Web Development
    2. User Experience
    3. JSP
    4. HTML 5
    5. Compass
    Ex SaaS CTO and Cofounder, Applied AI, 15+ years SWE experience
  • Shiva Basavaraju profile image
    Shiva Basavaraju
    1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    2. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
    3. Enterprise Software
    4. Data Strategies
    5. IT Operations Management
    CTO | Product, AI, Data & Analytics | Mission & Values Driven | Ex-Gartner