• Jamal Jackson profile image
    Instant Book
    Jamal Jackson
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Advisor
    3. Architect
    4. User Experience
    5. Fullstack
    Strategic Technical Leader with the ability to facilitate efficient processes and drive performance improvements through technical solutions. xApple, xBox
  • Zack Chapple profile image
    Zack Chapple
    1. Advisor
    2. Team Building
    3. #strategy
    4. Strategic Vision & Leadership
    5. Product
    Taking companies from concept to enterprise scale, globally
  • Paul Dlug profile image
    Paul Dlug
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Software Engineering Leader
    3. Fractional Engineering Leader
    4. Fractional Principal Engineer
    5. Lead Engineer
    Engineering, strategy, leadership for zero to one builds and complex digital transformations.