• Dawa Sherpa profile image
    Instant Book
    Dawa Sherpa
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Backend
    3. Fullstack
    4. Product
    5. Analytics
    Over 2 decades of startup experience, early Etsy, CTO of Atoms
  • Adam Adelman profile image
    Adam Adelman
    1. Branding
    2. Marketing
    3. Product Strategy
    4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
    5. CPO
    CMO & CDO - Specializing in Scaling Growth to 9 figures for Consumer Brands. Very results oriented.
  • Scott McKnight profile image
    Scott McKnight
    1. Fractional VP Product
    2. Advisor
    3. Product Strategy
    4. Corporate Development
    5. Business coaching
    3x Founder and Strategic Executive - Zero to One - B2B, B2C, SaaS, Data