• Jamal Jackson profile image
    Instant Book
    Jamal Jackson
    1. Fractional CTO
    2. Advisor
    3. Architect
    4. User Experience
    5. Fullstack
    Strategic Technical Leader with the ability to facilitate efficient processes and drive performance improvements through technical solutions. xApple, xBox
  • Ryan Anderson profile image
    Ryan Anderson
    1. Fractional CMO
    2. Advisor
    3. Marketing
    4. Go-To-Market Strategies & Implementation
    5. Google Adwords
    Marketer. Number cruncher.
  • Dan Brown profile image
    Dan Brown
    1. Fractional Fullstack Engineer
    2. Leadership
    3. Advisor
    4. Product Strategy
    5. Fractional CTO
    Experienced Tech Leader, built Engineering teams at early stage startups. which lead to exits.